
User Guide

Feature 1

Able to add a todo to Duke.


To store something that you have to do in duke.

Keyword todo

todo (task you have to do)

Example of usage:

todo meet family

Expected outcome:

Duke stores a todo task in your list, and updates if successfully done.

Feature 2

Able to add a event to Duke.


To store an event in duke.

Keyword event

event (task you have to do) /at (dd/mm/yyyy hhhh)

Example of usage:

event attend workshop /at 10/10/2019 2000

Expected outcome:

Duke stores an event task in your list, and updates if successfully done.

Feature 3

Able to add a deadline to Duke.


To store a deadline in duke.

Keyword deadline

deadline (task you have to do) /by (dd/mm/yyyy hhhh)

Example of usage:

deadline finish homework /by 10/10/2019 2100

Expected outcome:

Duke stores a deadline task in your list, and updates if successfully done.

Feature 4

Able to show list of tasks in duke.


View list of tasks in duke.

Keyword list

Expected outcome:

Duke shows you your list of tasks.

Feature 5

Able to remove tasks from duke.

Keyword remove

remove (task no.)

Example of usage:

remove 5

Expected outcome:

Duke removes task number 5 from your list if it exists, otherwise throws an error message.

Feature 6

Able to complete task in duke.

Keyword done

Example of usage:

done 4

Expected outcome:

Duke marks task number 4 as complete if it exists, otherwise gives an error message.

Feature 7

Able to find tasks with keyword in duke.

Keyword find

find (keyword)

Example of usage:

find homework

Expected outcome:

Duke returns you a list of all the tasks that contain the word “homework”, and returns you an empty list of no tasks match the keyword.

Feature 3

Able to exit duke.

Keyword bye

Expected outcome:

Duke exits.